perm filename RUTGER[RDG,DBL] blob sn#576674 filedate 1981-04-06 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
∂06-Apr-81  0809	DOLESE at RUTGERS 	arpanet access to Rutgers Technical Reports   
To: Erman at USC-ISIB
cc: Shortliffe at SUMEX-AIM, Driefus at WHARTON-10, csd.bennett at SU-SCORE,
    Mittal at RUTGERS, Chandrasekaran at RUTGERS, JSmith at RUTGERS,
    Deolankar at RUTGERS, Wilkins at SRI-KL, Bruce at BBNA, Webber at BBND,
    Friedland at SUMEX-AIM, Plondon at USC-ISIB, ERM at MIT-AI, RDG at SU-AI,
    Pressburger at SCI-ICS, csd.gardner at SU-SCORE, Fagan at SUMEX-AIM,
    Fikes at PARC-MAXC, JMC at SU-AI, Clancey at SUMEX-AIM, KRD at MIT-AI, at PARC-MAXC, cs.Amsler at UTEXAS-20, at PARC-MAXC,
    lisa at UTEXAS-11, kwh at MIT-AI

Recently I have received several requests for arpanet access to our
technical reports.

In general, we don't have entire reports available online (even those that
individual authors do have online aren't necessarily useful, since they don't
always contain the figures).

However, what we do have available are the following three files:

<LIBRARY>tech-reports.all  (This file contains the entire listing of Rutgers
technical reports from year one to the present).

<LIBRARY>publication-order.form  (This file contains the most recent listing
of technical reports that we are presently publicizing).

<LIBRARY>online-tecrpts.doc  (This file contains an abstract of each of the
reports listed in publication-order.form)

This message will be a duplicate for some of you.  Our present policy is to
release a new listing of technical reports every other month or when we have
a sufficient amount to warrant release.  

The files mentioned above are available using FTP user account anonymous
with any password.

If after you have looked at these files and would like to order you can either
send me a message via arpanet or a letter requesting the reports you want.
The mailing address is:

Technical Reports Librarian
Rutgers University
Department of Computer Science
Hill Center - Busch Campus
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903

I hope that this clarifies our policy on accessing information on our
technical reports.  If you have any questions or comments please send
me a message via arpanet mail.  The next scheduled release of Rutgers
Technical Reports should be toward the end of May.

Thank you.
